- X线电影密度法roentgen cinedensitometry
- 计算机X线片骨放射密度法在蛋鸡骨质疏松症研究中的应用Application of the bone radiography density method with computer-assisted X-ray film to osteoporosis research in hens
- 计算机X线片放射密度法Bone radiography density method with computer- assisted X- my film
- 在线in-line
- 血管X线电影照相cineangiogram
- X线电影摄影(术), X线电影照相(术)cineroentgenography
- X线电影摄影(术), X线活动照相(术)actinocinematography
- X线活动摄影(术), X线电影摄影(术)radiocinematography
- 光密度测定法,X线Densitometry X-ray
- X线密度法roentgen densitometry
- X线电影摄影cineroentgenography
- X线电影造相cineradiography
- X线人类学roentgenographic anthropology
- X线电影照片cineroentgenogram
- 透X线Pass through X - ray
- X线电影照相cineroentgenography
- X线两档Two X-ray energy modes
- X线电影装置radiocinematograph
- X线系统X- ray system
- x线电影摄影机radiocinematograph