- 骨纤维异常增殖症X线表现特征大致可分为四种类型:1)囊状膨胀性改变; 2)磨玻璃状改变;X ray features of fibrous dysplasia of bone could be divided into four kinds of types: 1) Cystiform - expansibility change, 2) frosted glass-form change, 3) palisade form change, and 4) insect biting off form change.
- 线thread
- 慢性肾衰心脏异常X线表现及其影响因素的分析(附87例报告)Analysis on X-ray Manifestations and Pathogenic Factor of Chronic Renal Failure with Heart Abnormity(A Report of 87 Cases)
- 在线in-line
- 儿童腺样体肥大的X线表现X-ray Manifestations of Adenoidal Hypertrophy in Children
- 材料和方法回顾性分析6例经手术证实的腹茧症小肠钡剂造影的X线表现。Materials and Methods: Six cases suffered from abdominal cocoon were examined by a barium meal and confirmed by operative and histology.
- X线表现radiologic features; radiologic finding; radiologic manifestation; x-ray appearance; x-ray finding; x-ray manifestation
- 家兔经皮自体骨髓移植在骨缺损瘢痕组织内成骨的X线表现X ray Features of Osteogenesis of Percutaneous Autogenous Bone Marrow in Cicatrix of bone Defect in Rabbits
- X线人类学roentgenographic anthropology
- 胸部x线表现thoracic x-ray manifestation
- 透X线Pass through X - ray
- X线两档Two X-ray energy modes
- 正常X线表现normal X ary
- X线系统X- ray system
- X线检测X-ray detection
- X-线表现Radiographic findings
- X线引导X-ray guided
- X线表现,放射学表现radiologic manifestation
- X线分型X-ray subtype
- X线造影X-rayradiography