- X荧光X-Ray fluorescen
- X荧光仪X fluorescence instrument
- 荧光fluorescence
- X荧光谱X-Ray spectra
- X荧光分析X fiuorescence analysis
- 荧光笔nite writer pen
- 免疫荧光immunofluorescence
- 荧光的fluorescent
- X荧光探针X fluorescence probe
- X荧光分析软件software of XRFA
- 微探针型X荧光光谱技术Micro- EDXRF
- X荧光测量XRF
- 电热型X荧光分析熔样机的研制及性能测试A Bead Maker with Electro-Thermal Heating for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Its Performance
- 不色散x射线荧光non dispersive x ray fluorescence
- 同位素源激发X荧光分析微量元素的实验研究Experimental studies of X-ray fluorescence excited by radioisotopes for trace element analysis
- X-荧光光谱X-ray fluorescence spectrum
- 图形点阵LCD在手提式多元素X荧光仪中的应用Application of dot matrix LCD in multi-element portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
- X射线荧光法X ray fluorescence method
- K荧光X射线K-fluoreseent X-ray
- X-荧光光谱法X - fluorescence spectrum law