- Y型截骨Y-shaped osteotomy
- 勒福I型截骨术horizontal maxillary osteotomy
- 勒福Ⅱ型截骨术Le Fort II osteotomy
- 勒福特Ⅰ型截骨术Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy
- X-Y型天线座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- Y型联接y-connection
- 勒福特Ⅲ型截骨术Le Fort Ⅲ osteotomy
- Y型刚构Y Type Rigid Frame
- 下颌前部水平截骨颏成形术对患者术后感觉障碍影响的研究进展Progression of study on anterior part of lower jaw horizontal osteotomy and postoperative sensory disturbance
- Y型支架Y- shaped stent
- 压缩型截听接收机compressive intercept receiver
- Y型喷嘴Y-jet atomizer
- Y型节点Y-joint
- I型截尾type I censoring
- Y型岔管Y-shaped branch pipe
- 镐型截齿conical bits
- Y型明渠Y-shaped open-channel
- Ⅱ型截尾convergence rates
- Y型钢板Y-type plates
- Ⅰ-型截尾type Ⅰ