- Zhuang zi' s proses 庄子散文
- Is Zhuang Zi a Native of Mengcheng? 庄子蒙城人说质疑?
- Zhuang Zi responded : "You are not me. 惠施问:“你不是鱼,怎么知鱼之乐?”
- As for Zhuang Zi"s philosophical major idea is how to protect himself or Peripateticism , Scholars have different views. 对于庄子哲学的主旨是“全身”还是“逍遥”,学界有不同的看法。
- To define mental freedom as the main point of Zhuang Zi"s philosophy need demonstrate the relationship between Peripateticism and the other parts. 将逍遥游(精神自由)作为庄子哲学的主旨,对此所作的论证是通过考察逍遥游和庄子哲学的其他部分之间的关系展开的。
- All of these images annotate Zhuang Zi"s knowledge and pursuing of the beauty and implicate Zhuang Zi" s plentiful and profound appreciation of beauty feelings. 这此形象群诠释着庄子对美的认识和追求,蕴涵着庄子丰富而深刻的人生审美感受。
- The essence of Zhuang Zi" s aesthetics is aesthetics of life, which establishes on the Way of Zhuang Zi" s philosophy basisAnd points to loving care for individual life. 庄子美学的本质是人生美学,是建立在庄子哲学基础“道”之上的一种指向人生对个体生命进行终极关怀的美学。
- Zhuang Zi's skepticism is actually a skeptic attitude towards language. 摘要庄子的怀疑论其实是对语言本身的怀疑。
- Sellars''s prose is elegant and slightly reminiscent of her subject''s... 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。
- The core of Zhuang Zi's philosophy is life, whose final tenet is free and easygoing spirit. 在复归原始无望的情况下,庄子对个体生命价值的体认最终落实到精神的自由与逍遥上。
- Considering the plights in reality, Zhuang Zi viewed spiritual freedom as the ultimate ideal of life. 庄子立足于现实的种种困境,以实现人生的逍遥游为最高境界。
- Lao Zi, Confucious, Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi, Xun Zi and Han Fei are representatives of this period. 老子、孔子、墨子、孟子、庄子、荀子和韩非是这些人当中的代表。
- The culture quality of Zang Kejia"s prose came from his cultivation in language, tradition and humanism spirits. 臧克家散文的文化品位来源于他的语言品位、传统修养和人格精神。
- Zhuang Zi was one of the few pre-qin scholars who made important statements about language. 摘要在先秦诸子中,庄子是少数曾对语言提出重要意见的人。
- Xu wei"s prose; characteristics; historical origins; historical status; periodization;form; emotion; tension. 18徐渭散文;特色;渊源;地位;分期;情感;形式;张力
- We can draw the conclusion that Zhuang Zi's Taoism aims to treat problems from the cosmic viewpoint. 庄子的道观是一种宇宙观,就是从宇宙的巨视看待问题和人生的方法。
- Liberty is a category of western philosophy and politics,but what Zhuang Zi said was Peripateticism. 自由是西方政治和哲学的范畴,庄子讲的是逍遥游。
- If we consider the major idea of Zhuang Zi philosophy, we must define Peripateticism as liberty. 定庄子哲学的主旨为精神自由,首先必须界定逍遥游为自由。
- The paper reviews Dong, Qiao"s prose, and finds that its cultural nostalgia yearns for exquisite cultural tradition, which ranges over Chinese culture and western culture. 纵观董桥散文,其文化乡愁就是对精致文化传统的留恋,这种文化范围涵盖中西;
- Lao Zi stresses the naturalness of humanity while Zhuang Zi emphasizes the authenticity and freedom of human nature. 老子所突出者,为性之本然、自然,庄子则更强调性之本真、自由。