
[keɪs]     [keɪs]    
  • n. 例子;情况;案例;(辩论或诉讼)论据;箱
  • v. 装箱;踩点;仔细检查
cased cased casing cases



n. (名词)
  1. 事实,情况,实情,真相
  2. 事例,实例
  3. 容器,箱,盒,袋
  4. 罩,套子
  5. 病例
  6. 患者
  7. 理由
  8. 案件,个案
  9. 状况
  10. 诉讼
v. (动词)
  1. 把...装入箱内,装箱,塞
  2. 把...插入鞘内
  3. 给...加框
  4. 包,围,包围
  5. 查看(地点),观察,探查,窥探,窥测,作一番探索
  6. <俚>(盗窃前)事先察看
  7. 探路,踩道,踩点
abbr. (缩略词)
  1. =Council of Administrations of Special Education 专业教育管理人员委员会
  2. =Committee on Academic Science and Engineering 理论科学及工程学委员会
  3. =Council for the Advancement of Secondary Education 中等教育促进委员会
  4. =Computer Aided Software Engineering【计】电脑辅助软体工程


n. (名词)
  1. [C]事例,实例 instance or example of the occurrence of sth
  2. [C]实情,情况 actual state of affairs; situation
  3. [C]病例,病症,患者 instance of a disease or an injury; person suffering from this
  4. [C]被警方调查的案件,诉讼案 matter that is being officially investigated, especially by the police; question to be decided in a court of law; lawsuit
  5. [C]容器,包装 any of various types of container or protective covering
  6. [C]手提箱 suitcase


  1. an occurrence of something;

    "it was a case of bad judgment"
    "another instance occurred yesterday"
    "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"

  2. a special set of circumstances;

    "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"
    "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"

  3. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;

    "the family brought suit against the landlord"

  4. the actual state of things;

    "that was not the case"

  5. a portable container for carrying several objects;

    "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"

  6. a person requiring professional services;

    "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"

  7. a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation;

    "the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"
    "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"

  8. a problem requiring investigation;

    "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"

  9. a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument;

    "he stated his case clearly"

  10. the quantity contained in a case

  11. nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence

  12. a specific state of mind that is temporary;

    "a case of the jitters"

  13. a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);

    "a real character"
    "a strange character"
    "a friendly eccentric"
    "the capable type"
    "a mental case"

  14. a specific size and style of type within a type family

  15. an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part

  16. the housing or outer covering of something;

    "the clock has a walnut case"

  17. the enclosing frame around a door or window opening;

    "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"

  18. (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers;

    "for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters"

  19. bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow;

    "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"

  20. a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home

  1. look over, usually with the intention to rob;

    "They men cased the housed"

  2. enclose in, or as if in, a case;

    "my feet were encased in mud"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. Talk of wasting money, my buying this car is a case in point.
  2. In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
  3. But that is not always the case, sometimes the table can turn.
  4. The case involved charges of police corruption.
  5. The judge quotes various cases in support of his opinion.
  6. I think you can win because you have a very strong case.
  7. We ordered 3 cases of beer for the party.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. The goods have been cased up for transport.
  2. The thieves cased Wilson's house before the robbery.
  3. He felt he had the situation cased well enough.
  4. Case it around before you leave.


用作名词 (n.)
fight the case out
    把官司打到底,把问题搞得水落石出 go on a case and make it clear
get down to cases
    开始谈到要点 begin to talk about sth important
in any case
    还有 have the other
in case
    也许,说不定 maybe
in case of
    防备 because of the possibility of sth happening
in no case
    无论如何不 in no circumstances
in the case of
    至于…,就…来说 about sth
in this case
    既然这样 if this happens or has happened; if this is the state of affairs
make a case for
    坚持下去 hold on sth
make out a case
    证明…有理由,提出对某事有利的证据 give arguments in favour of sth
on a case
    在处理案件 dealing with a case
such being the case
    事实既然如此 if this has happened


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词


  • By caase of fortune.

    出自: Caxton
  • I you recount a ruefull cace.

    出自: Spenser
  • They seem'd almost, with staring on one another, to tear the cases of their eyes.

    出自:Winter's Tale , Shakespeare
  • Cloth cases..for binding the volume will be issued with the December number.

    出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  • They case their limbs in brass; to arms they run.

    出自: Pope
  • Bones of seals, walrus, and whalessall now cased in ice.

    出自: E. K. Kane
  • A brick wall..cased with stone.

    出自: J. Gwilt
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