- She chivvied me into buying a bigger car. 她催着我买辆更大的车。
- We'll all chivied him into action. 我们大家都敦促他采取行动。
- The teacher chivied the children up about their schoolwork. 老师反复向学生提出关于学校作业的要求。
- Charles is often chivvied into finding a job by his father. 查尔斯常被他父亲催促去找工作。
- It could surely be chivvied into producing its thoughts sooner. 肯定大家都想早日看到此思想。
- Feeling as if they were winning, while in truth they were being chivvied ex actly where the Lords of the Sith wanted them to go. 他们充满了胜利的喜悦,可实际上他们正不自知地步步走向西斯勋爵为他们设置的陷阱。
- The enterprising police commander who made this discovery was chivvied into retirement three months early and the investigation downgraded, giving the impression of a cover-up. 那位发现这起丑闻的富有进取心的警官三个月前不堪骚扰而退休,而对此案的调查也大事化小,给人一种遮遮掩掩的印象。
- He chivvied them into the car. 他催促他们上车。
- The temple's sponsor, who happened to be there when we visited, chivvied the priest to don his scarlet turban and encouraged us to photograph one another pouring holy water over the shrine. 笔者来到这里时,神殿的主持者碰巧也在那里; 他催促牧师包上红色的头巾,并鼓励我们在往圣坛上泼洒圣水时互相拍照。
- I was tired of being chivied along by the corporal 我讨厌那下士催我。
- She was chivied into stealing money 她被逼得去偷钱。
- political opponents who chivvied the senator. 不断骚扰参议员的政敌们
- others are rare, having been hunted to the brink of extinction or chivied out of their last natural redoubts by human pressures. 有些则很稀有,正因人类的猎杀而处于灭绝边缘,或是因人类造成的压力而离开最后的自然堡垒。