
['dɜːti]     ['dɜːrti]    
  • adj. 脏的;肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的;腐败的;不正当的
  • v. 弄脏;玷污
dirtily dirtier dirtiest dirtiness dirtied dirtied dirtying dirties



adj. (形容词)
  1. 下流的,污秽的,卑鄙的,猥亵的,肮脏的,龌龊的,令人厌恶的
  2. 不诚实的,不鲜明的,欺骗的
  3. 暗淡的
  4. 吸毒的
  5. 黄色的,色情的
v. (动词)
  1. 弄脏,(使)变脏,沾污,弄脏,弄污,沾染
  2. 玷污,败坏,毁谤,中伤,贬损
adv. (副词)
  1. 很大地,非常大地
  2. 卑鄙地,肮脏地
n. (名词)
  1. 肮脏,龌龊,下流,卑鄙,不雅,恶劣
  2. 脏话
  3. 难听
  4. 蓬头垢面


adj. (形容词)
  1. 肮脏的 not clean, covered with dirt
  2. 下流的,淫秽的 obscene
  3. 卑劣的,不公平的 unfair, underhand
  4. 恶劣的 rough
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 弄脏 make sth dirty
  2. vi. 变脏 become dirty


  1. soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime;

    "dirty unswept sidewalks"
    "a child in dirty overalls"
    "dirty slums"
    "piles of dirty dishes"
    "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"
    "wore an unclean shirt"
    "mining is a dirty job"
    "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"

  2. (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency;

    "dirty words"
    "a dirty old man"
    "dirty books and movies"
    "boys telling dirty jokes"
    "has a dirty mouth"

  3. vile; despicable;

    "a dirty (or lousy) trick"
    "a filthy traitor"

  4. spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination;

    "the air near the foundry was always dirty"
    "a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout"

  5. contaminated with infecting organisms;

    "dirty wounds"
    "obliged to go into infected rooms"

  6. (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear;

    "a dirty (or dingy) white"
    "the muddied grey of the sea"
    "muddy colors"
    "dirty-green walls"
    "dirty-blonde hair"

  7. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes;

    "foul (or dirty) copy"

  8. obtained illegally or by improper means;

    "dirty money"
    "ill-gotten gains"

  9. expressing or revealing hostility or dislike;

    "dirty looks"

  10. violating accepted standards or rules;

    "a dirty fighter"
    "used foul means to gain power"
    "a nasty unsporting serve"
    "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"

  11. unethical or dishonest;

    "dirty police officers"
    "a sordid political campaign"

  12. unpleasantly stormy;

    "there's dirty weather in the offing"

  1. make soiled, filthy, or dirty;

    "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"



用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. The clothes on the floor are dirty.
  2. The tourist complained that the room was too dirty.
  3. The dirty pub is a beastly place.
  4. They sat drinking and telling dirty stories.
  5. They have been playing all sorts of dirty tricks.
  6. The progress of that country is hindered by dirty politics.
  7. This campaign was dirty and contentious.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. You'll dirty your hand if you play in the dirt.
  2. He will dirty his reputation by following bad people and doing bad things.


用作形容词 (adj.)
be a dirty word
    不喜欢的或不正经的事物或想法 thing or idea that is disliked or not respected
dirty work
    苦活 the tasks that sb else does not like or can't face
give sb a dirty look
    厌恶地看着某人 look at sb disapprovingly or in disgust
make dirty with
    被…弄脏 be dirty by
play a dirty trick on sb
    以卑鄙的手段对付某人 play a mean trick on sb


用作形容词 (adj.)
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词


  • His nappy may be dirty at every feed.

    出自: H. Jolly
  • Dark blue morocco..which won't dirty in a hurry.

    出自: J. Carlyle
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