- Adam D Thierer. E commerce A Taxing issue[J].Heritage views,2004,(4):18-20. 孙宝文.;电子商务税收征管系统建设构想[J]
- The total costs of setting up your own inhouse Web commerce site are expensive. 建立你的自己的专有商业站点的总费用是昂贵的。
- Consider using a web site developer who is not local. 也可以考虑聘请一些外地的设计师。
- Pete wilson,the governor,buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce. 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
- Other commerce sites have even fewer controls. 另外的商业地点有甚至更少控制。
- With the popularity of Internet and the development of IT, E commerce is now in the ascendant. 随着互联网的普及以及信息技术的不断发展 ,电子商务的热潮方兴未艾。
- The evidence problems arising from E commerce consist of two aspects:first,admissibility of data message,second,the evidential weight of data message. 电子商务所引起的证据效力的问题主要包括两方面 ,第一方面是计算机所储存的数据或数据讯息能否在诉讼中被法院采纳为证据即证据可采纳性问题 ,第二个方面是数据的证据价值或证据力的问题。
- E commerce, as a new mode of commercial activity operating mainly by means of EDI and internet will substantially change approaches in commercial trade. 电子商务是一种以电子数据交换 (EDI)和因特网上交易为主要内容的新型商务运作方式 ,是对传统贸易方式的一次重大变革。
- The E commerce models of digital library to information users include subscription based sales model,pay per view model,online compliment model and pre paid model. 数字图书馆对信息用户的电子商务模式主要有网上订购、付费浏览、网上赠予以及预付模式。
- Promote the show via domestic and international professional B2B commerce site, such as Alibaba.com, Tradeinfo, in order to attract professional buyers. 通过国内外专业的B2B商务网站,包括阿里巴巴、贸易眼、万国商业网、慧聪网等,向海内外进行展会宣传推广,吸引专业买家;
- Finally, ask for proposals with price quotes from more than one web site developer. 尽量多了解一些关于网络开发者的情况和他们提出的建议,以及相关的制作费用。
- We have one green field site development going at the moment. 我们现在有一个在未开发过土地上兴建的项目。
- Evaluating and critiquing alternative site development proposals. 评估并批判各种的基地发展计画替选方案。
- When you consider the large amount of money spent to attract customers to your commerce site,then add to that the cost of converting them into paying customers and keeping them as repeat customers,you will quickly see why CRM is so vital. 当你考虑花大量的钱来吸引客户上你的商业网站,然后再加上把他们变成付钱的客户并使他们成为重复付钱的客户所需成本之时,你将很快看到为什么CRM如此重要。
- Introduction: Smart web site developer Debugger designed for debugging tool for the customer Duanliulanqihuo Wangzhanfuwuqi caught between communication, analysis and debugging. 是为网站开发者设计的调试工具,可以对客户端浏览器和网站服务器之间的通信进行捕获、分析和调试。
- When you consider the large amount of money spent to attract customers to your commerce site, then add to that the cost of converting them into paying customers and keeping them as repeat customers, you will quickly see why CRM is so vital. 当你考虑花大量的钱来吸引客户上你的商业网站,然后再加上把他们变成付钱的客户并使他们成为重复付钱的客户所需成本之时,你将很快看到为什么CRM如此重要。
- It will keep your system safe from online scams, identity, theft, spyware, spam, viruses, and suspect commerce sites. 它将让您的系统免受在线欺诈,身份盗窃,间谍软件,垃圾邮件,病毒和可疑网站的威胁。
- Visual Web Developer features improvements in all areas of Web site development. Visual Web Developer全面改进网站开发的各个领域。
- For more about the site development process, so stay tuned Web site update log. 有关网站的更多开发进程,敬请关注网站更新日志。
- Many firms still debate whether it makes business sense to globalize their online marketing, online commerce sites, and call centers. 许多公司仍在怀疑在线营销、在线商务站点和呼叫中心的全球化的商业意义。