
[flɔː(r)]     [flɔːr]    
  • n. 地面;地板;楼层;底部
  • vt. 铺地板;击倒;(油门)踩到底
floorer floored floored flooring floors



n. (名词)
  1. 地面,地板
  2. 议员席
  3. (楼)层
  4. 底价
  5. 最低额
  6. 发言权
  7. 肋板
  8. 经纪人席
  9. 底板
  10. 全体议员;全体与会者
  11. 场地
v. (动词)
  1. 使大为震惊
  2. <口>击败,打败
  3. 在...上铺地板,给…铺设地面
  4. 罚...坐地板
  5. 难倒,使为难
  6. 使认输
  7. 做完
  8. 把...减到最低限度,把压到最低一挡
  9. <口>把...打翻在地
  10. 使惊奇,使困惑


n. (名词)
  1. [C]地面,地板 the surface on which one stands indoors; surface nearest the ground
  2. [C]楼层 a level of a building
  3. [C]底 the bottom of the sea, a cave, etc.
  4. [S]议员席位 the part of a parliament, council building, public meeting place, etc., where those attending sit
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 给…铺地板 provide with a floor
  2. vt. 把…打倒在地 knock down
  3. vt. 击败,打败 beat; defeat


  1. the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure);

    "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"
    "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"

  2. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

    "what level is the office on?"

  3. a lower limit;

    "the government established a wage floor"

  4. the ground on which people and animals move about;

    "the fire spared the forest floor"

  5. the bottom surface of any lake or other body of water

  6. the lower inside surface of any hollow structure;

    "the floor of the pelvis"
    "the floor of the cave"

  7. the occupants of a floor;

    "the whole floor complained about the lack of heat"

  8. the parliamentary right to address an assembly;

    "the chairman granted him the floor"

  9. the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business;

    "there was a motion from the floor"

  10. a large room in a exchange where the trading is done;

    "he is a floor trader"

  1. surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off;

    "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"

  2. knock down with force;

    "He decked his opponent"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. Father asked me to flushed off the garage floor.
  2. The floor was moist and slippery.
  3. We put the books in piles on the floor.
  4. Our office is on the first floor.
  5. On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.
用作及物动词 (vt.)
  1. We will floor this room with oak.
  2. With Victor's guard down, Jack knocks him to the floor.
  3. When you see a police car, don't floor it.


用作名词 (n.)
come〔get〕 in on the ground floor
    得到最早的机会,取得有利地位 be let in on the ground floor
fall through the floor
    惊奇得不知所措 be extremely surprised
hold the floor
    演说 speak to an audience, especially at great length, so that no one else has a chance to say anything
sink through the floor
    暴跌 fall steeply and rapidly
take the floor
    起来跳舞 get up and start to dance


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词
用作动词 (v.)


  • The stone floor was dark with moisture.

    出自: J. Tyndall
  • The parlour had a thick and flowered carpet on the floor.

    出自: G. Stein
  • Looking over the joiners, flooring my dining-room.

    出自: S. Pepys
  • The..sleeping place floored with flat stones.

    出自: C. Vancouver
  • A cup in the hills, floored..with short, crisp pasture.

    出自: J. Buchan
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