- On a psychokinetic level back bending moves one into the future. (forward bending takes us into our past). 从心灵致动的角度来讲,后弯使人走向未来(前弯将我们带回过去)。
- Slowly stretch forward,bending at the waist,until you can gra your feet(or ankles);drop your head as close to your legs as po ible. 手掌放在大腿上慢慢向前伸,同时弯腰,使手能抓住脚(或脚踝);
- Practice a mild forward bend or two in order to lengthen your back body and quiet your nervous system. 练习一至两个柔和的前屈,来拉长身体的后侧,并且让神经系统安静下来。
- As you exhale, hollow out your belly and fold into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), connecting down into the earth. Keep your legs firmly engaged. 缓缓地呼出体内的气体,腹部内陷,让你的身体身体向前伸展弯曲,去和大地结合为一体,让你的双腿稳固地支撑保持平衡。
- On the pillow that your side lies, his genuflect is after your buttock, the upper part of the body is forward bend, part with knee your double foot, so that insert. 你侧卧的枕头上,他跪在你的臀后,上身向前倾,以膝盖分开你的双脚,以便插入。
- backward and forward bending test 反复弯曲试验
- Forward bends, side bends, and backbends bring relief, but twists really get to the core of your tension. 这里有一个简单的方法来学习,在逐步的扭转中拉长和放松上半身。骨盆和后背部靠墙交叉腿简易坐。
- Severe heart and high blood pressure conditions may mean avoiding standing forward bends altogether or bending only from the hips with a level spine so that the heart is never lower than the hips. 有严重心脏病和高血压的症状的学生意味着他们要尽量避免站立并前弯体式同时进行,或者仅仅是向前弯到臀部线以上保持脊柱水平,这样心脏就不会低于臀部。
- Awaken your deeper subtler power through a flow of forward bends, twists, and hip openers complimented by meditation and pranayama. 通过一系列的前弯、扭转和开胯体式,唤醒内在能量。当然,冥想、呼吸练习及唱颂亦是帮助内观不可缺少的。唤醒!探寻内中美好
- A Probe on the New Forward Bend Posture in the High Jump 前屈体式跳高新姿势的探析
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- Many activists have come forward. 涌现了大批积极分子。
- They looked forward very much to seeing him again. 他们非常盼望再次见到他。
- He has decided to go forward with his plans. 他己决定实施自己的计划。
- She leaned forward and whispered the news to him. 她探过身去,低声把消息告诉了他。
- The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant. 第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。
- The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快。
- She rushed forward in contemning dangers. 她不顾危险往前冲。