- to jig a baby on one's knee 把婴儿放在膝上颠动.
- jig a baby on one's knees 把孩子放在膝盖上摇晃
- One feels good nestling like a baby on its breast. 一个人象婴孩那样地偎依在它的怀中时感觉很舒服。
- The bus conductor became the man of the moment when he acted as midwife to a woman who gave birth to a baby on his bus. 当这个公共汽车售票员为一个在车上生产的妇女接生时,他曾名噪一时。
- How do you get about with a baby on your back? 你如何背着小孩到处走呢?
- The poor woman walked along the street with a baby on her back. 那个可怜的妇女背上背着一个孩子,沿街走着。
- The poor woman walked through the street with a baby on her back. 那可怜的妇女背上背着一个婴儿,穿过街道。
- Will you ride the baby on your knee for a minute? 你让孩子在你的膝上坐一会儿好吗?
- Trey and Charlotte were finally on the same page.And the page had a baby on it. 崔和夏绿蒂终于达成了共识.;他们都想生个小孩
- jump a baby up and down on one's knees 把小孩抱在膝上上下颠动
- Mission to get Rain、s autograph on a baby shirt. 让雨在婴儿衣服上签名的任务。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- Mother sat the baby on her knee and played a game with him. 母亲将婴儿放在膝上和他一起做游戏。
- She wore a metal splint on one leg. 她的一条腿上上了金属夹板。
- The bus conductorbecame the man of the moment when he acted as midwife to a woman who gave birth to a baby on his bus. 当这个公共汽车售票员为一个在车上生产的妇女接生时,他曾名噪一时。
- It isn't easy to concentrate on one's work when you've got to keep one eye on a baby that's crawling all over the place. 一边要照看一个到处看到处爬的小孩,一边又要专心工作,可不是件容易的事。
- It was half the length of a pine-scented mountain trail he loved to hike in Yosemite, with a baby on his back. 就是冉迪在约塞米蒂背着婴孩,徒步走过的那条四周散发着松树芳香的山路的一半路程
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- The baby has put on one kilogram during the last month. 在过去一个月里婴儿体重增添了两斤。
- This was a huge sum of money to Stallone who had no money and a baby on the way. 这对于没有钱,并有个准备诞生的孩子的史泰龙来说是一笔很大的数目。