"you can wet the bed till kingdom come, for all I care"
kingdom come的用法和样例:
用作名词 (n.)
Their philosophy being materialistic and hedonistic,they scoffed at any thoughts of the world to come. 由于他们的哲学是物质的和享乐的,他们对于任何来世的想法都加以蔑视。
Those wronged on this earth cannot, on a scientific view, anticipate a sweet comeuppance for their tormentors in a life to come. 从科学的观点看,这个世界上被损害的人,无法期待伤害到他们的人来世会遭到大快人心的因果报应。
Crap like Elizabethtown and The Kingdom of Heaven. 伊丽莎白镇和天国传奇都是毒药。
They had no hope of admission to the celestial kingdom. 他们无望进入天国。