- live close to one's belly 勉强糊口,挣一天吃一天
- It is also convenient to live close to your work. 靠近你的工作单位住也方便。
- The measured value will be close to one of the two values. 测量值靠近两个值之一。
- Wu Peng lives close to the railway station. 吴鹏的家紧挨着火车站。
- She lives close to her brother's home. 她与哥哥一家住得很近。
- Ms.Jermyn, who lives close to the alley where Mr. 贝弗莉的家离杰米恩晚上过夜的小巷不远。
- We live close to the water as humans live close to the air. 我们的生活与水最接近,就如人类的生活与气最接近。
- The number of girls present was close to one hundred. 出席的女孩子有将近一百人。
- To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body;crouch. 缩在一起,蹲把四肢收拢或抱紧身体;蜷曲
- Mr. zhang lives closest to the wellsite. 张先生住得离井场最近。
- People do not want to live close to factories that produce chemicals. 人們不想生活(居住)靠近工廠,生產(產生)化學制品。
- Close to one million people died as a result of the siege. 列宁格勒之围造成近百万人死亡。
- Herbs like to be planted close to one another as a result. 结果药草喜欢被挨着种在一起。
- They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。
- To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body; crouch. 缩在一起,蹲把四肢收拢或抱紧身体;蜷曲。
- You can get a clearer picture if you live closer to the station. 如果你住得离电视台近一些,你就能接受更清晰的影像。
- Why do you think the correlation value is so close to one? 为什麽你认为这个相关值会这麽接近1?
- You'd get better TV reception if you live closer to the station. 如果你住得离电视台近一些,你的电视机接收情况就会好些。
- I am a student and want to live in Haidian, so that I can live close to my school. 我是个学生,想住在海淀,这样离学校近一点儿。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。