
['paʊə(r)]     ['paʊər]    
  • n. 力量;力;能力;权力;【数】幂;电力
  • v. 使有力量;给 ... 提供动力
  • adj. 电力的;力量的;权力的
powered powered powering powers



n. (名词)
  1. 势力,权利
  2. 力,力量,能量
  3. 动力,电力,电能
  4. 能力,实力
  5. 强国,大国,政权
  6. 率,功率
  7. 体力
  8. 权限,职权
  9. 有影响的机构
  10. (光学仪器的)放大率,(透镜的)焦强
  11. 【数】幂,乘方,指数
  12. 影响力
  13. 有权力的人
  14. 【统计学】功效,统计假设的概率
  15. 【棒球】多垒安全打能力,击远球能力
  16. 鲍尔(美国制造的驱逐舰)
v. (动词)
  1. <口>快速前进,迅猛移动
  2. 使有力量
  3. 给...装发动机
  4. 赋与...以动力,给...提供动力,向...提供动力,给...供电
  5. 用动力发动
  6. 拖动,驱动,推动
  7. 使(机器)启动
adj. (形容词)
  1. 用电力(或动力)发动的
  2. 有助力装置的


n. (名词)
  1. [S][U]权力,势力; 影响力 control over others; influence
  2. [U]政权 governmental control
  3. [U][C]权力,职权 right to act, given by law, rule, or official position
  4. [U]能力,天赋; 体力,力量 what one can do; ability to have physical effect; strength
  5. [U]功力,动力,功率 force that can be used for doing work, driving amachine, or producing electricity
  6. [C]强国,有权势的人〔团体等〕 a person, group, nation, spirit, etc., that has influence or control
  7. [C]幂,乘方 the number of times that an amount is to be multiplied by itself
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 向…提供动力 supply power to especially a vehicle
  2. vi. 飞速行驶 move powerfully and fast


  1. possession of controlling influence;

    "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"
    "the power of his love saved her"
    "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"

  2. (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)

  3. possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done;

    "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"

  4. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power;

    "being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage"
    "during his first year in office"
    "during his first year in power"
    "the power of the president"

  5. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority;

    "the mysterious presence of an evil power"
    "may the force be with you"
    "the forces of evil"

  6. a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself

  7. physical strength

  8. a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world

  9. a very wealthy or powerful businessman;

    "an oil baron"

  1. supply the force or power for the functioning of;

    "The gasoline powers the engines"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. A man should rely upon his own power.
  2. Such things aren't within the compass of my power.
  3. I intend to release my karma to give power away.
  4. Not that I don't want to help you, but that it's beyond my power to do so.
  5. The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. So you need to power up your lymph system.
  2. To power your camera you will need some rechargeable batteries.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. She's gone to some power lunch to discuss the deal.


用作名词 (n.)
do a power of good
    对(某人)大有好处 be very beneficial to sb
    do sb a power of good

    Her holiday has done her a power of good.


    A long cool drink would do us all a power of good!


the powers that be
    当权者,当权派 people who control an organization, a country, etc.


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词


  • Is it not in your power to open your eyes?

    出自: G. Berkeley
  • The red rays of the spectrum possess a very high heating power.

    出自: J. Tyndall
  • Mistrust of science has been strengthened by the latest revelations of its power to harm.

    出自: R. Hoggart
  • Material success had extinguished..the power of speculative thought.

    出自: J. Barzun
  • The police launch..was powered by two big Perkins engines.

    出自: A. York
  • Cold air..sweeps..across the country, powered by the prevailing westerly winds.

    出自:Nordic Skiing





  • powerless adj. 无权力的;无力量的;对某事无能为力的‖powerlessly adv. 无权力地;无力量地‖powerlessness n. 无力;无能为力


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