- These varying problems prey on your mind, Frank. 这些错综复杂的问题折磨着你的脑筋,法兰克。
- The think that he is responsible for her death prey on his mind. 他一想到自己对她的死负有责任就感到心如刀割。
- In those far- off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe. 在那些遥远的时代里,北欧海盗经常在欧洲海岸一带进行掠夺。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。
- His anxiety about his father preyed on his mind. 他对父亲的挂虑使他内心惴惴不安。
- prey on someone's mind 使某人苦恼,紧紧压在某人心头
- I know you always prey on weak people. 我知道你总是虎视眈眈以强凌弱。
- Animals that prey on game,such as foxes or weasels. 害兽捕食猎物的动物,如狐或鼬
- Hawks prey on rodents and small birds. 鹰捕食啮齿动物和小鸟。
- Eagles prey on smaller birds and an imals. 老鹰捕食较小的鸟和动物。
- I will leave you no prey on the earth. 我必从地上除灭你所撕碎的,你使者的声音必不再听见。
- In the user’s mind it is a simple command. 这样的愚蠢问题,在用户心中这是一个简单的命令。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文语法使那男孩大伤脑筋。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them, and these have smaller still to bite them, and so proceed ad infinitum. 一只跳蚤有更小的跳蚤咬它,而后者有更小的咬它们,如此以至无穷。
- Khadgar’s mind was awhirl, as was his heart. 卡德加的内心和头脑依然迷茫。
- Siva?In Zhuo\'s mind,the only god is his own power. )在卓王孙的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。
- But he'll take out on someone else. 他会照样对付别人的。
- Why don't you take on someone your own size? 你为何不找一个与你同样身材的人较量?