
['kwɔːtə(r)]     ['kwɔːrtər]    
  • n. 四分之一;一刻钟;一季;25美分;区;方向
  • v. 四等分
  • adj. 四分之一的
quartered quartered quartering quarters



n. (名词)
  1. 一刻钟
  2. 四分之一
  3. 住处
  4. 方位,方角
  5. 季度
  6. 营房,军营
  7. 付款的季度
  8. 25分硬币
  9. 区,一区的居民
  10. 饶命,宽恕
  11. 包括整条腿的大块肉
  12. 切成四分后的一块
  13. 来源
  14. 弦月
  15. 地域
v. (动词)
  1. 住宿,给...提供食宿,供...住宿,使住宿,使筹办食宿
  2. 把…切成四部份,把...四等分,把...分成几部分
  3. 使(部队、士兵)驻扎,驻扎,扎营,使(军队)扎营
  4. 变更位置
  5. 各就岗位
  6. 搜找猎物
  7. 四肢分解,肢解
  8. 到处搜索,来回搜素
  9. 将(不同套的纹章)置于四分之一盾面上, 将加在盾面上
  10. 使与连接部分成直角
  11. 侧向游泳
  12. 向船尾吹


n. (名词)
  1. [C]四分之一 a fourth part of a whole
  2. [C]一刻钟,十五分钟 15 minutes before or after an hour
  3. [C]两角五分的硬币,四分之一元 25 cents; fourth parts of a dollar
  4. [C]三个月,一个季度 three months, especially used for making payments
  5. [P]住处,营房 accommodation, especially for soldiers
  6. [C]方向; 地区,城镇的一部分 direction; district; part of a town
  7. [C]人,团体 person or group of people
  8. [C]上弦或下弦; 太阴月的四分之一 one fourth of a lunar month; position of the moon at the end of the first and third of these
  9. [U]慈悲,宽恕 mercy shown towards an enemy who has surrendered or to an opponent who is in one's power
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 把…四等分 cut or divide into four parts
  2. vt. 使(士兵)驻扎,供…住宿 provide lodgings for (especially soldiers)


  1. one of four equal parts;

    "a quarter of a pound"

  2. a district of a city having some distinguishing character;

    "the Latin Quarter"

  3. (football, professional basketball) one of four divisions into which some games are divided;

    "both teams scored in the first quarter"

  4. a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour;

    "it's a quarter til 4"
    "a quarter after 4 o'clock"

  5. one of four periods into which the school year is divided;

    "the fall quarter ends at Christmas"

  6. a fourth part of a year; three months;

    "unemployment fell during the last quarter"

  7. one of the four major division of the compass;

    "the wind is coming from that quarter"

  8. a quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)

  9. a quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)

  10. a United States or Canadian coin worth one fourth of a dollar;

    "he fed four quarters into the slot machine"

  11. an unspecified person;

    "he dropped a word in the right quarter"

  12. the rear part of a ship

  13. piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp

  14. clemency or mercy shown to a defeated opponent;

    "he surrendered but asked for quarter"

  1. provide housing for (military personnel)

  2. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him;

    "in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"

  3. divide into quarters;

    "quarter an apple"

  4. divide by four; divide into quarters



用作名词 (n.)
  1. Only a quarter of the earth is land.
  2. It's a quarter past ten.
  3. The flight was put off about a quarter, because of ground fog.
    由于地面有雾,这次班机推迟1 刻钟。
  4. The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
  5. The quarter is used most often as a tip for small services.
  6. The city has a busy Chinese quarter.
  7. He lives in the student quarter of the city.
  8. From which quarter is the wind blowing?
  9. Her travels had taken her to every quarter of the globe.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. We should quarter a pineapple.


用作名词 (n.)
at close quarters
    非常近 very near
from〔in〕 all quarters
    四面八方,到处 from all directions; everywhere
give no quarter
    不对…让步; 不对…怜悯 show no mercy
用作动词 (v.)
quarter in (v.+prep.)
    (使)住宿在… (cause to) stay for the night in sth
    quarter sb in sth

    The troops were quartered in the city.


    They were quartered throughout the war in Smith's hotel.


quarter on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    (使)住宿在…; 与…住在一起 (cause to) stay for the night in sth; (cause to) stay for the night with sb
    quarter sb/oneself on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    He quartered his men on the inhabitants in the town.


    My wife's mother has decided to quarter herself upon us.


    The troops were quartered on the inhabitants.


    That night, together with a high officer,I was quartered on a peasant.


quarter with (v.+prep.)
    和…住在一起 (cause to) stay for the night with sb
    quarter oneself/sb with sb

    He quartered himself with the local people.



用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+介词


  • Garnish with a Seville orange cut in quarters.

    出自: H. Glasse
  • He has a good quarter of it drunk..by this stage.

    出自: M. Binchy
  • I think there's enough..If we just quarter the tomatoes.

    出自: K. O
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