
[bed]     [bed]    
  • n. 床;基座;底层;河床;花坛;苗圃;地层
  • v. 安置;发生性关系
bedded bedded bedding beds



n. (名词)
  1. 床位
  2. 睡觉
  3. 就寝时间
  4. 睡眠处
  5. 底层,基础
  6. 底,底部
  7. 花坛,苗床, 苗圃
  8. 河床,湖底,海底
  9. 一堆
  10. 【铁路】(铁轨和轨枕下的)路基,路床,底座
  11. 【地质学】(地)层,底;(尤指沉积岩的)一层
  12. 【地质学】矿床
v. (动词)
  1. 为...提供床铺,为...提供住宿
  2. 放置,把…安置在,将…嵌入,把…固定在
  3. 把...栽于苗床,把…种入花坛
  4. 上床,卧,睡觉,休息
  5. 换个地方睡觉
  6. <口>和…发生性关系,与…同居,同居睡下
  7. 使睡
  8. 栽种
  9. 造苗林
  10. 搁稳,摆稳
  11. 安顿
  12. 给人铺床
  13. 给(牲畜)等铺垫草
  14. 安装,固定
  15. 分层,形成地层
  16. 铺层
  17. 躺平
abbr. (缩略词)
  1. =B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education 教育学士)


n. (名词)
  1. [C][U]床,床位 a thing that you sleep on
  2. [C]河床,(湖或海)底部 the bottom of a river or the sea
  3. [C]苗圃,花坛 piece of ground where you grow plants


  1. a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep;

    "he sat on the edge of the bed"
    "the room had only a bed and chair"

  2. a plot of ground in which plants are growing;

    "the gardener planted a bed of roses"

  3. a depression forming the ground under a body of water;

    "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed"

  4. (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock);

    "they found a bed of sandstone"

  5. a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit;

    "he worked in the coal beds"

  6. single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance;

    "slices of hard-boiled egg on a bed of spinach"

  7. the flat surface of a printing press on which the type form is laid in the last stage of producing a newspaper or magazine or book etc.

  8. a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track;

    "the track bed had washed away"

  1. furnish with a bed;

    "The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals"

  2. place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil

  3. put to bed;

    "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"

  4. have sexual intercourse with;

    "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"
    "Adam knew Eve"
    "Were you ever intimate with this man?"

  5. prepare for sleep;

    "I usually turn in at midnight"
    "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. Life isn't a bed of roses.
  2. Can you give me a bed for the night?
  3. The machine rests on a bed of concrete.
  4. The water is infiltrating the gravel bed.
  5. The brook warbled over its rocky bed.
  6. A river rolls the stones along its bed.
  7. There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden.
  8. The gardener raked over the bed and removed the weeds .
用作动词 (v.)
  1. Can Mary bed down with her sister?
  2. The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals.
  3. He has bedded more girls than he can remember.


用作名词 (n.)
go to bed
    去睡觉 go sleeping
in bed
    因病而休息 have a rest because of illness
make the bed
    铺床 put the covers on a bed so that it is tidy and ready for sb to sleep in it
take to bed
    生病卧床 fall ill not to move about on the bed


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~ ~+介词


  • He was in his bed and a slepe on a fethyr bedde.

    出自: Caxton
  • I carried my own bed with me.

    出自: M. W. Montagu
  • My great comfortable four-posted bed.

    出自: J. Carlyle
  • To see a stranger bedded with him instead of his owne Spouse.

    出自: W. Whateley
  • See..that your horse be rubbed, fed, and bedded.

    出自: J. Wesley
  • Young girls lie bedded soft.

    出自: Dylan Thomas





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