- Chiefly the mold of a man s fortune is in his own hand. 一个人的命运掌握在自己手中。.
- The field smiling goes to seek one appearing impossibly you! 微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!
- His claim to his deceased father\'s fortune was fiercely contested. (他要求继承亡父的财产而遭到强列的反对。)
- He's rolling in money, since he's inherited his rich father 's fortune. 由于继承了富有的父亲的遗产,他成了腰缠万贯的富翁。
- Seek one's fortune in a new country 到一新国家寻出路
- But no matter how beautiful the woman is, their life's most important affair is to seek one lacking rib man. 但无论女人多美丽;她们一生中最重要的一件事是寻找那个缺少了肋骨的男人.
- Or must seek one custom, lets oneselfin this long custom, gradually consenescence perishes. 还是要寻找一种习惯,让自己在这漫长的习惯中,逐渐衰老灭亡。
- She' s fortunate enough to enjoy good health. 她身体好; 真有福气.
- It's sound policy to do a favor before seeking one. 先助人后求助是良策。
- "But Gremio has to do what it has always done, trust in its quality and seek one goal at a time. “但格雷米奥必须去做他们一直在做的事,尽全力并且无时不刻的寻找进球机会。”
- Though I am not a winged steed now, I would really like to add the clipper that the whip ran, seek one point out Bole Mr. of direction for me. 虽然我现在不是匹千里马,但我确是愿意加鞭跑起来的快马,正在寻求一位为我指明方向的伯乐先生。
- The old lady' s fortunate enough to have very good health. 老太太身体很健康,真是好福气。
- In a bid to redeem a body which sceptics had called irredeemable, it announced its intention to seek one of the 47 seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council. 为了挽回一个怀疑者认为已经无可救药的机构,奥巴马政府宣布了美国将在联合国人权理事会的47个席位中争取寻求一个席位的意图。
- Would the valleys were your streets, and the green paths your alleys, that you might seek one another through vineyards, and come with the fragrance of the earth in your garments. 我愿山谷成为你们的街道,绿径是你们的小巷,如是你们可以穿过葡萄园彼此造访,衣裳留著泥土的芳香。
- This text attempts to make a study of the socialization of the elderly support through the frame of " the country - the society " so as to seek one realizable way to it . 本文试图以“国家-社会”为视野,对农村养老保障社会化进行研究,旨在寻求一条实现农村养老社会化的道路。
- Looked from the sociological angle of view, since any society cannot achieve the wealth absolutely the equal distribution, that we should seek one kind of reasonable disparity. 从社会学的视角看,既然任何社会都做不到财富的绝对平均分配,那么,我们就应该寻求一种合理的差距。
- As the housing market has fallen off a cliff, so have B&Q's fortunes. 房地产市场已经跌到了谷底,同时B&Q的运气也一样。
- If you need a coach or therapist to help you sort out options and develop a plan of action to rid yourself of bad habits or a destructive relationship, seek one at that time. 如果你需要心理或者生理方面的帮助来让你澄清选择与计划革除你的坏毛病或者一段毁灭性的关系,那么再合适的时候找找看吧。
- High marks! Seek one sine wave, triangle wave C language procedure , call for can export wave form , can change amplitude , frequency, the phase can work under VC environment! 高分!求一正弦波,三角波C语言程序,要求可以输出波形,可以改变振幅,频率,相位在VC环境下可以运行!
- Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad. 许多年轻人去国外寻找成功的机会。