- Each time plot advancement makes the tense atmosphere to deepen one. 每一次的剧情推进都令紧张的气氛加深一层。
- He laughed and that seemed to deepen his voice. 他大笑起来,那笑声使得他的嗓音更深沉了。
- to deepen one's voice 使某人声音低沉
- So it was an opportunity to deepen my character. 因此,现在是个机会来更深的刻画我的角色。)
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- There were plans to deepen a stretch of the river. 曾经有过加深一段河道的计划。
- A man' s voice is usually lower than a woman' s. 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低.
- To deepen reform is the most urgent task. 我们当务之争是要深化改革。
- A tone of menace entered into the man' s voice. 这个男人的声音里带有威胁的口气。
- We have made up our minds to deepen the reform. 我们决心深化改革。
- Carlo"s voice was a little shaky. "Sure, Tom, sure. 卡罗的声音发抖:“照办,汤姆,我照办。
- We have to deepen, the well if we want more water. 想获得更多的水,我们必须把井加深。
- Manjushri prayer and mantra with Karmapa 's voice. 文殊祈请及心咒- 法王噶玛巴声音;
- Continue to deepen cultural restructuring. (六)继续深化文化体制改革。
- Manjushri prayer and mantra with Karmapa ' s voice. Title: 文殊祈请及心咒- 法王噶玛巴声音;
- Two bitter ironies serve to deepen the gloom. 两个辛辣的讽刺加深了这种暗淡。
- The big man 's voice boomed out above the rest . 这位大汉低沉的声音压过了其他人。
- Do such ability prevent eyesight to deepen? 这样才能防止视力加深?
- "No, I believe certainly UNICEF's voice has remained one of impartial advocacy," she said. 科洛说:“我当然认为,联合国儿童基金会发出的呼声一直是公正的。
- As soon as thought begins to deepen it reaches death. 思想只要一开始消沉,思想首先就会达到死亡。