- In those far- off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe. 在那些遥远的时代里,北欧海盗经常在欧洲海岸一带进行掠夺。
- A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them, and these have smaller still to bite them, and so proceed ad infinitum. 一只跳蚤有更小的跳蚤咬它,而后者有更小的咬它们,如此以至无穷。
- to prey on sb's mind 烦扰某人
- Charlotte Cartwright: My family has been known to prey on the weak. 卡洛特:“我的家庭以为软弱祈祷而出名!”
- In nature,there are amphibious,repti1e and mammalia to prey on mosquito adult as ameans of biological control. 蚊虫成虫期的生物防治主要为自然界中的捕食者如两栖类、爬行类和哺乳类等动物。
- All carnivores want to prey on healthy prey, but what they actually capture are those old, weak, injured or diseased. 所有的肉食动物都想捕食健康的猎物,但事实上他们所捕食的动物都是老、弱、伤病动物。
- I wonder why the thieves are sometimes allowed to prey on society without let of hindrance. 我不明白为什么有时候盗贼得以恣意危险害社会。
- A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them,and these have smaller still to bite them,and so proceed ad infinitum. 一只跳蚤有更小的跳蚤咬它,而后者有更小的咬它们,如此以至无穷。
- A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them, and these have smaller still to bite them, and so proceed ad infinitum . 一只跳蚤有更小的跳蚤咬它,而后者有更小的咬它们,如此以至无穷。
- A monster represented as a serpent with the head and breasts of a woman and reputed to prey on human beings and suck the blood of children. 吸血鬼女头女胸的蛇身妖魔,传说其捕猎人类并吸吮孩子的鲜血
- A to leave a deep impression on sb. 意为给某人留下了深刻的印象。
- Emotionally dependent on sb; stay too close to sb. 感情上依靠某人;太接近某人;依恋。
- The Ogres acquired a taste for Cathayan flesh and raids soon began to stray into the rice fields in order to prey on the simple peasant children who worked there. 他们嗜食凯萨人的血肉,并且常常侵入那片富饶的土地,捕食那些天真的乡下孩子。
- Two metre long Monitor Lizards scour the shallows for frogs and small fish and dig up the nests of crocodiles to prey on their eggs. 居住在阿玛逊的巨型水獭,喜欢在水流缓慢的河流活动,因为那里的环境最为有利于牠们的饮食习惯和身体构造。
- Instead, he wants to throw money at social problems and slap more taxes on the rich, and he is using his oratorical powers to prey on people's fears. 相反,他想能把更多的钱用于解决社会问题,让富人交更多的税,他那雄辩的力量是建立在人们的担忧之上。
- These varying problems prey on your mind, Frank. 这些错综复杂的问题折磨着你的脑筋,法兰克。
- Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。
- The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nightmare scenario from James Herbert's classic horror tale The Rats, in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans. 宣传片的高潮是一幅令人震惊的画面:一个年轻妇女睡在一张满是老鼠的床上--这是对詹姆斯-赫伯特的经典恐怖故事《老鼠》中梦魇般的景象的模拟,在那个故事中,变异的老鼠开始捕食人类。
- Events like the case study validate the Chinese prejudice that foreign business people are only in China to exploit loopholes in the law and to prey on the inexperience of Chinese businesses. 这些被欺骗的经历证实了中国人所持有的偏见:在华外商只是要钻法律的空子,利用中国企业的缺乏经验来牟取利益。
- His anxiety about his father preyed on his mind. 他对父亲的挂虑使他内心惴惴不安。