- to rule in sb's favour [法] 裁决对某人有利
- Who are you, to challenge me and my right to rule in these lands? 你是谁?胆敢向我挑战,挑战我对这片土地的所有权?
- Five other appeals courts ruled in the NLRB's favour;the Supreme Court will hear one of those cases (New Process Steel v National Labour Relations Board) in March. 其他5家上诉法院作出了对国家劳工委员会有利的裁决,其中的一个案子(NewProcessSteelvNationalLabourRelationsBoard)将在今年3月接受最高法院的审理。
- In the course of things men of other ideas came to rule. 按事物的循环,总是由有新思想的人起来执政。
- She was willing to bend the rules in Mary's favour. 她愿意放宽规定以有利于玛丽。
- The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely. 打网球最重要的一点就是紧盯著球。
- It is up to the courts to rule on this matter. 这得靠法院对这事作出裁决。
- He followed this rule in order to forestall rumors. 他遵守这条规矩是为了杜绝流言蜚语。
- Before leaving them for good, comfort them by crowning your son to rule in your place. 永远离弃他们前,请为王子加冕,治理王国,来安慰这些臣民。”
- Cyrus' son, Cambyses II, was next in line to rule. 居鲁士的儿子,冈比西斯二世,是统治世系中的下一位统治者。
- If the issue cannot be resolved within 60 days, the parties can ask a W.T.O. panel to rule in the dispute. 如果问题在60天内不能解决,有关各方可以要求世界贸易组织做出裁决。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 别信任那些总改变主意的人!
- How many MP's favour bringing back capital punishment? 有多少国会议员赞成恢复死刑?
- How many MP's favour bringing back capital punishment ? 有多少国会议员赞成恢复死刑?
- The cute lad did all he could to win the pretty girl' s favour. 这个机灵的小伙子设法取得那个标致女孩的欢心。
- Now that there is an extremely grave national crisis and the Kuomintang can not continue to rule in the same old way,the people of the whole country and the patriots within the Kuomintang are urgently demanding co-operation between the two parties. 现在民族危机极端严重,国民党已不能照旧不变地统治下去,因而全国人民和国民党中的爱国分子,又有两党合作的迫切要求。
- To believe in sb is to have confidence in sb and trust him. 表示的是对某人有信心,信任某人。
- Now that there is an extremely grave national crisis and the Kuomintang can not continue to rule in the same old way, the people of the whole country and the patriots within the Kuomintang are urgently demanding co-operation between the two parties. 现在民族危机极端严重,国民党已不能照旧不变地统治下去,因而全国人民和国民党中的爱国分子,又有两党合作的迫切要求。
- She stretched the rules in favor of herself. 她为了利己目的曲解法规。
- Perhaps you would care to rule on this matter? 也许您得费费心对此事作出裁决?