- 半单Nelson代数semi-simple Nelson algebras
- Nelson代数nelson algebra
- 半semi-
- 其中最有影响的粗代数分别是粗双Stone代数、近似空间代数和粗Nelson代数,它们对应的一般代数分别是正则双Stone代数、预粗代数和半简单Nelson代数.The most famous rough algebras are Rough Double Stone Algebra, Rough Nelson Algebra and Approximation Space Algebra of which the corresponding general algebras are regular double Stone algebra, semi-simple Nelson algebra and pre-rough algebra respectively.
- 半年half a year
- 报销单expense account
- 表单memu
- 半单Malcev代数上不变双线性型的自对称性The Automatically Symmetric Property of an Invariant Bilinear Form on a Semi-simple Malcev Algebra
- 运单freight note
- 半天half of the day
- 下单place an order
- 半小时halfhour
- 半角DBC case
- 舱单shipping bill
- 单曲single
- 半月half-moon
- 单层monolayer
- 上半first half
- 买单check
- 半场half-court