- Nelson代数nelson algebra
- 其中最有影响的粗代数分别是粗双Stone代数、近似空间代数和粗Nelson代数,它们对应的一般代数分别是正则双Stone代数、预粗代数和半简单Nelson代数.The most famous rough algebras are Rough Double Stone Algebra, Rough Nelson Algebra and Approximation Space Algebra of which the corresponding general algebras are regular double Stone algebra, semi-simple Nelson algebra and pre-rough algebra respectively.
- 半单Nelson代数semi-simple Nelson algebras
- Nelson模型Nelson model
- 你的代数题做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- Nelson综合征Nelson syndrome
- 代数整的integral algebraic(al)
- Nelson-Siegel模型Nelson-Siegel model
- Spinz-Nelson综合征Spinz-Nelson syndrome
- 数学包代数。Mathematics includes algebra.
- 扩展Nelson-Siegel模型Nelson-Siegel model
- 吉姆如饥似渴地学习代数。Jim is eating up the course in algebra.
- Nelson归并为绒毛细叶?兆?.Nelson are indentical with C.
- 他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。He finally got the answer to the algebra problem.
- 基本代数basic algebra
- 导游: 您是美国来的Nelson Cruise先生吗?Are you Mr. Nelson Cruise from the States?
- 张量代数则离不开坐标系。Tensor algebra is tied to coordinates.
- 非线性Nelson-de la Pena方程的耗散结构解Dissipative Structures Solution of Nonlinear Nelson-de la Pena Equation
- 擅长代数Great at algebra.
- Nelson冰帽位于南极洲边缘地区,周围海洋环绕。The Nelson Ice Cap, surrounding by ocean, located in the low latitute region of Antarctica.