- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- He hulked up from his chair by the hearth. 他从火炉边的椅子里懒洋洋地站起来。
- Her husband popped up from his chair. 她丈夫猛地从椅子上站起来。
- Mr. Slope rose from his chair and bowed slightly. 斯洛普先生从椅子上站起身来,微微哈了哈腰。
- He awoke with a jump from his chair. 他从椅子上惊跳着醒来。
- John jumped up from his chair when he heard his mother calling. 听到母亲在大声叫喊,约翰突然从椅子上站了起来。
- Last week, cai Erci suffers punish of suspend sb from his duties accordingly. 上周,蔡尔兹因此遭到停职处分。
- When he heard the alarm he started up from his chair and ran out. 他听到警报时,从椅子上猛地站了起来,跑了出去。
- Slowly and deliberately he rose from his chair and began to speak. 他慢慢地,不慌不忙地从椅子上站起来,然后开始讲话。
- Clifton Lawrence rose from his chair and began to pace. 克利夫顿·劳伦斯从椅子上站起身来,开始踱步。
- "That's more like it," Hornberg rose from his chair. “这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来。
- Mick leapt up from his chair to greet her with a kiss on each cheek. 米克突然从椅子上站了起来,亲吻她的双颊以表问候。
- This time he got up from his chair and strode to the lectern confidently. 这次他从座位上站起来,迈着大步很自信地跨上讲台。
- The car is modified with a special hoist to help lift Nathan from his chair. 这辆汽车装有一个特殊的起重装置,来帮助内森从椅子上站起来。
- "Then I need ask no further," said the clergyman, somewhat hastily rising from his chair. “这样看来,我就不必多问了,”牧师说着,有点匆忙地从椅子上站起身。
- Later,when she mentioned to her husband how she missed those lilacs,he popped up from his chair. 后来,她向丈夫说起她是如何怀念那些紫丁香时,他突然从椅子上跃起。
- He rose from his chair,walked to the open window and looked out upon the April world. 他起身踱到窗前,眺望窗外四月的世界。
- When Coma called at the apartment Tallis rose from his chair by Karen Novotny's body. 当柯玛来到公寓时,塔利斯从卡伦 - 诺弗特尼尸体边的椅子上站起身来。
- "Come in. Come in, Reverend." Ben's father rose from his chair to welcome the guest. “请进,请进,神父。”本的父亲从椅子上站起来迎接客人。
- Sb from the blows with one's own body. 以自己的身体保护某人不受打击。