- There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime. 犯罪率日益增长令人忧虑。
- He was like the rising tide raising all boats. ”“他就像上涨的潮水,水涨船高。
- The high winds coupled with a rising tide. 强风和涨潮结合在一起。
- Canada decries "rising tide" of U.S. protectionism. 加拿大谴责美国日益增长的贸易保护主义。
- Reward exceptional performance, not the rising tide of the markets. 奖励杰出的表现,而不是市场的上涨趋势。
- Warfleet.net - Official site for the online version of Enigma: Rising Tide. 各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- We must begin with a candid admission that the rising tide of the Reagan economy has not lifted every boat. 我们首先必须坦白承认,里根经济的涨潮(繁荣)并未浮起每一只船(使人人受惠)。
- To stem the rising tide against him,he is to swing around the circle in Yorkshire tonight. 为了挡住日益高涨的反对浪潮,他预定今晚在约克郡选区巡回,发表政见。
- The rising tide of illiteracy does not augur well for America's industrial might. 文盲不断上升的势头对美国工业说来并不是吉兆。
- It comes at a time of mounting concern among liberals about the rising tide of protectionism sweeping Europe. 与此同时,贸易自由主义者越来越担心,正在抬头的贸易保护主义浪潮会横扫欧洲。
- Rising Tide of Criminal Prosecution Threatens Flow of Vital Safety Infor-Mation. 上升的犯罪趋势威胁着重要安全信息的畅通。
- To stem the rising tide against him, he is to swing around the circle in Yorkshire tonight. 为了挡住日益高涨的反对浪潮,他预定今晚在约克郡选区巡回,发表政见。
- Like King Canute, foreign governments occasional-ly try to stop the rising tide of American cultural in-fluence, and like the hapless king they always fail. 就像克努特国王一样,有时外国政府想阻止越来越猛烈的美国文化的影响,而且正像那个倒霉的国王一样,他们总是失败。
- The spume and sea spray from the rising tide made the rocks along the beach slick and treacherous. 涨潮时溅起的泡沫和浪花使海滩上的岩石变得又滑又危险。
- But, as JCB's experience suggests, these are unlikely to stem the rising tide of unemployment. 但是,JCB的经历告诉大家这些措施无法阻止失业人数的上升势头。
- The first occurred on May 27 when a rising tide of hope or escapism through fantasy began. 第一次发生在5月27日,当希望或逃避现实的一波浪潮藉由梦想来开始。
- Our free market economies have surged forward on a rising tide of trade and investment. 我们的自由市场经济乘着贸易和投资地涨潮澎湃向前。
- One of the companies most likely to gain from the rising tide of sourcing is Fuyao Glass. 福耀玻璃就是这些最有可能因持续升温的外包风潮而受益的企业之一。
- The govt said that it wants to make Britain the first major nation to quash the rising tide of obesity. 英国政府希望英国能成为成功抑制肥胖泛滥的第一大国。
- He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being. 疲倦象涨潮一样,从他身体的各处涌上来,但是他刚强地打起精神,绝不让这种令人窒息的疲倦把他淹没。