- 基于MDA构建EJB组件Building EJB Component based on MDA
- 组to form
- EJB组件EJB component
- 基于MDA的软件测试用例生成MDA-based software test case generation
- 基于MDA的联邦开发和执行过程研究Research on Federation Development and Execute Process Based on MDA
- EJB组件技术分析Analysis of the EJB Component Technique
- 基于MDA的ODP互操作性软件过程研究Software Process for ODP Interoperability Based on MDA
- 基于MDA的数据仓库抽取元数据交换规则Mapping Rules of DW Metadata Exchange Based on MDA
- XML在EJB组件技术中的应用Application of XML in EJB
- 基于MDA的联邦开发和执行过程分析与改进Analysis and improvement of federation development and execute process based on MDA
- EJB组件的一个比较常见的用途是在关系型数据管理领域。One of the more popular uses of EJB components is in the realm of relational data management.
- 摘要以环境保护信息系统的建设为例,把模型驱动体系结构和模式化软件设计结合起来形成了基于MDA来模式化设计方法。In the case of foundation of environment protection information system, method of software design using patterns based on MDA (Model Driven Architecture) was formed, which combined MDA with software design using patterns.
- EJB组件的安全机制与安全性设计Security Mechanism and Security Design of EJB Component
- EJB组件技术及应用The EJB Component Technology and Applications
- 三、介绍Struts+EJB框架的技术组成:Struts框架和EJB组件技术。The Struts + EJB framework is described in part four.
- 通过分析EJB组件模型的技术特点,制定了从PIM到PSM的映射规则。Through analysis the technology character of EJB, the paper gives the mapping rule from PIM to PSM.
- 实际上,所有System.Xml组件都是基于分析XML的概念构建的。Virtually all System.Xml components are built on top of the concept of parsing XML.
- EJB组件开发模型及实现技术The Developing Model Based on EJB Component and Its Implementation Technology
- 这些术语都是有关位置的是从客户机的角度看时EJB组件所在的概念性的位置。These terms are all about locations - the conceptual location where EJB components are available, from the point of view of your client.