- 限制奇Hamilton李超代数Restricted odd hamiltonian Lie superalgebras
- 奇Hamilton李超代数odd Hamiltonian Lie superalgebra
- B-函数在李超代数相干态表示中的应用Application of the B-function in Coherent State Representation of the Lie Superalgebra
- 超overtake
- 奇odd
- 设W是素特征域上无限维或有限维广义Witt李超代数.Let W be the infinite-dimensional or finite-dimensional generalized Witt Lie superalgebra over a field of prime characteristic and Aut W the automorphism group.
- 超链接hyperlink
- 超值overflow
- 冰卡布奇诺Iced Cappuccino
- 李超代数Lie superalgebra
- 洛奇lodge
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 奇点point singularity
- 奇的odd
- 超短ultrashort
- 奇境fairyland
- 超自然transnatural
- 奇偶页不同different odd and even pages
- 超联hyperlink
- 奇货可居something aware or precious that can be hoarded for a high price