- 平片X线摄影术plain radiography
- 骨冻伤平片X线分型与血管造影对照研究Classification of Bone Frostbite Based on Plain Radiograpk and Angiographic Study
- 适时点片X线摄影术spot film roentgenography
- 平片X线摄影(术)plain radiography
- 乳线X线摄影术Mammography
- 平片X线摄影plain radiography
- 直接数字X线摄影术Direct digital radiography
- 放射性核素骨显像与X线平片对前列腺癌骨转移的诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis of Radionuclide Bone Imaging and X-ray Film for Bone Metastasis of Prostate Cancer
- 咬翼片X线照片bite wing radiograph
- 根尖片X线检查periapical intraoral radiographic examination
- 断层摄影术X线Tomagraph
- 适时点片X线摄影spot film roentgenography
- X线平片断层摄影computer
- X线摄影术Radiography
- 体层摄影术X线计算机Tomography X-ray computed
- 膝剥脱性骨软骨炎的X线平片与MRI诊断The X-ray and MRI diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans in the knee joint
- 胃X线摄影术gatric parietography
- 数码根尖片X线投照角度对诊断牙根吸收的影响研究Effect of different X-ray projection angles on digital periapical films to diagnose the root absorption
- 腺X线摄影术adenography
- X线平片研究成人正常骨盆泪滴影Study on X-ray Plain Films of the Teardrop Shadow of the Pelvis in Adults