- 广义Gibson土generalized Gibson soil
- 广义Gibson地基compressible generalized Gibson subgrade
- 膨润土swell soil
- 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering
- Gibson杂音Gibson murmur
- Gibson地基Gibson subgrade
- 白土carclazyte
- Gibson血型抗体Blood group antibody Gibson
- 安土重迁hate to leave one's native land
- Gibson血型抗原Blood group antigen Gibson
- 蒙脱土montmorillonite
- 移动荷载下下卧基岩Gibson地基的动力响应Dynamic analysis of Gibson soil medium on bedrock under moving load
- 粘性土cohesive soil
- Gibson土体内部作用沿深度分布简谐荷载的基本解Fundamental formulations for harmonic load acting in the interior of Gibson surgrade distributing versus depth
- 弃土spoil
- 软土soft soil
- 中土Central Plains
- 土办法少花钱。The indigenous method costs less money.
- 土狗mole cricket
- 这头猪正在拱土觅食。The pig was rooting about for food.