- Gibson杂音Gibson murmur
- 杂音cacophony
- Gibson地基Gibson subgrade
- Gibson效应Gibson effect
- Gibson公式Gibson s formula
- 广义Gibson土generalized Gibson soil
- 广义Gibson地基compressible generalized Gibson subgrade
- 静噪,排除杂音to shunt the noise
- Gibson血型抗体Blood group antibody Gibson
- 背景杂音background noise
- Gibson血型抗原Blood group antigen Gibson
- 奥斯汀福林特氏杂音Austin Flint murmur
- Gibson大变形固结理论Gibson's finite-strain consolidation theory
- 心杂音heart murmur
- 心音描记图通过心音描记器产生的心脏声音和杂音的图画记录A graphic record of heart sounds and murmurs that is produced by a phonocardiograph.
- 移动荷载下下卧基岩Gibson地基的动力响应Dynamic analysis of Gibson soil medium on bedrock under moving load
- 子宫杂音uterine souffle
- Gibson土体内部作用沿深度分布简谐荷载的基本解Fundamental formulations for harmonic load acting in the interior of Gibson surgrade distributing versus depth
- 心脏杂音cardiac souffle
- 血管杂音vascular murmur