- 广义Hadamard矩阵generalized Hadamard matrix
- Hadamard矩阵Hadamard matrix
- 广义Hadamard良定问题generalized Hadamard well-posed
- Walsh-Hadamard矩阵Walsh-Hadamard matrix
- 研究 Hadamard矩阵生成的三元自偶码 ,从理论上证明了对任意的 Hadamard矩阵 Hn( n =2 ,8,2 0 ) ,矩阵 G =( In,Hn)都生成极值自偶码 ,并对 Dawson在 1 985年提出的一个问题给出了否定回答Studies ternary self dual codes constructed by using Hadamard matrices and shows theoretically that all matrices G=(I n,H n) generate extremal self dual codes, where H n(n=2,8,20) are Hadamard matrices,then gives a negative answer to a question posed by Dawson in 1985.
- 矩阵的广义迹Generalized Trace of a Matrix
- Hadamard积Hadamard product
- 广义酉矩阵generalized unitary matrix
- Hadamard乘积Hadamard product
- Hadamard变换Hadamard transform
- 广义EIF矩阵generalized ElF matrix
- Hadamard卷积Hadamard product
- 复Hadamard变换complex Hadamard transform
- 广义H-矩阵generalized H-matrix
- 广义正定矩阵generalized positive definite matrix
- 广义质量矩阵general mass matrix
- 广义传播矩阵general transmitting matrix
- 矩阵的广义逆generalize inverse of a matrix
- Ux-广义正定矩阵Ux -generalized positive definite matrices
- 广义次正定矩阵extended sub-positive definite matrix