- 面向对象语言的AOP扩展AOP Extension of Object-Oriented Language
- 毕竟,添加这种多态方法的能力是面向对象语言的关键优势之一。After all, the ability to add such polymorphic methods is one of the key advantages of an object-oriented language.
- Z++a:Z++的AOP扩展Z++a: An AOP Extension to Z++
- 当你真正的去学习一门面向对象语言时,就会有C语言的函数学习基础去对比。When you do learn object , you will have the base of C functional programming to go by.
- 一种面向对象语言的扩充设计An Extended Design of Object-oriented Language
- 使用带标记的AOP至少实现了某种模块化,并使您具有获得某种程度的修改实现的自由度。Using AOP even with tagging at least achieves a level of modularization and gives you some freedom to modify the implementation.
- 面向对象语言自然类型检查方法A method of physical type checking for object-oriented language
- 随着语言的发展,新词不断被采用,而有许多词则停止使用了。As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
- 面向对象object-oriented
- 面向对象的OO
- 能熟练地使用两种语言的使用或能使用两种语言的,尤指同样或几乎同样流利地Using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.
- 面向对象程序设计object-oriented programming
- 在AOSD方法的编程语言支持方面,现有的AOP(Aspect OrientedProgramming)语言的研究和实现多数是基于Java语言,而对C++这个最重要、最广泛使用的编程语言研究甚少。AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) technique supports AOSD method in language level by providing language constructs and tools for modeling and integrating aspects.
- 面向对象的XMLobject-oriented XML
- 大多数语言学家都会说,他们主要研究各种语言的结构。Most linguists would say they were concerned primarily with the structure of languages.
- 扩展的面向对象Petri网extended object-oriented Petri net
- 面向对象软件object-oriented software
- 同样,基于面向对象技术的数据显示GUI必须与原始关系数据项链接。Similarly, data-displaying GUIs based on object-oriented technology must link to crude relational data items.
- 这篇文章假定你对面向对象的设计已经有了基本的理解。This article assumes you have a rudimentary understanding of object-oriented design.
- 面向对象方法学object-orientation method