- Bayh-Dole案The Bayh-Dole Act
- 案table
- 拍案strike the table
- 案文text
- 销案close a case; bring a case to a close
- 在案on record
- 枪击案gunslinging case
- 案发crime
- 举案齐眉(husband and wife) treat each other with respect
- 抢劫案case of robbery
- 探案detect
- 案号case number (CN)
- 一案a case
- 警察仍然在寻找绑架案的有力证据。Police are still looking for a smoking gun in the kidnapping case.
- 他否认曾参与这起抢劫案。He denied any role in the robbery.
- 原案original bill
- 这城市最近发生了三起银行抢劫案。Three bank robberies have happened lately in the city.
- 警方收贿案很快就要开审。The case of police bribery will soon come on for trial.
- 盗窃案burglary
- 他有案发时不在现场的充分证据。He has a perfect alibi.