- n. 壳;炮弹;[计]外壳程序
- v. 脱落;去壳;拾贝壳;炮轰
- 壳,外壳
- 炮弹
- 荚
- 薄硬岩层
- 壳状物
- 骨架
- 缄默
- 轻快的赛艇
- 有甲壳的软体动物
- 锥形小啤酒杯
- 轮廓,梗概
- 猎枪子弹
- 弹壳
- 躯壳
- 地壳
- 贝壳
- 壳体
- 甲
- 炮轰,炮击, 射击,轰击
- 剥(玉米),为…去壳,剥落
- 用贝壳铺,用介壳铺(路)
- 成碎片落下,脱落
- 脱壳,蜕壳,去壳
- 由壳中剥出,从壳中拿出
- 给...脱粒
- 用壳体包被
- 采集贝壳,拾贝壳
- 给...装壳体
- 付
- 外壳程序(协助用户从复杂的计算机操作系统中脱离出来的一种简单用户操作接口)
- 连连得分
- 地壳的
- [C] [U] (贝、卵、坚果等的)壳 the hard outer covering of a shellfish,egg,nut,etc.
- [C] 外壳,框架 an outer covering or frame work
- [C] 炮弹 a metal case filled with explosives to be fired from a gun
ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile; fired from a large gun
the material that forms the hard outer covering of many animals
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts
the exterior covering of a bird's egg
a rigid covering that envelops an object;
"the satellite is covered with a smooth shell of ice"
a very light narrow racing boat
the housing or outer covering of something;
"the clock has a walnut case"
a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod
use explosives on;
"The enemy has been shelling us all day"
create by using explosives;
"blast a passage through the mountain"
fall out of the pod or husk;
"The corn shelled"
hit the pitches of hard and regularly;
"He shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning"
look for and collect shells by the seashore
come out better in a competition, race, or conflict;
"Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"
"We beat the competition"
"Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
remove from its shell or outer covering;
"shell the legumes"
"shell mussels"
remove the husks from;
"husk corn"
- There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.
墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。 - All that remained of the building after the fire was an empty shell.
一场大火过后,这座建筑剩下的只是一个空壳。 - The snail retreated into its shell.
蜗牛缩进壳里去了。 - Shells were bursting all around.
炮弹在四处爆炸。 - Windows Forms has no shell integration and does not respond to shell verbs.
- The wheat will shell after a few days.
麦子已熟透,再过几天就会脱落了。 - Please shell some walnuts for the cake.
- shell out 付(账、款)...
- shell shock 炮弹休克
- shell company 控股公司
- shell jacket 紧身夹克衣
- shell game 骗局
- come out of your shell 不再羞怯(不再沉默寡...
- star shell 照明弹(曳光弹)...
- thin shell 薄壳的
- boiler shell 锅炉锅筒,锅炉壳体...
- shell arch 薄壳拱
- bearing shell 轴承壳套,轴瓦...
- come out of one's shell 不再冷淡
- dome shell 气包体
- shell sand 贝壳砂,壳型砂...
- shell structure 壳体结构(壳层结构...
- cylindrical shell 柱形壳
- containment shell 屏蔽, 包壳,(反应...
- shell construction 薄壳结构,壳体结构,...
- shell electron 轨道电子,壳层电子...
- valence shell 价电子层
The whole vast shell of the firmament.
出自: B. Taylor -
Shelling peas into a dish.
出自: Dickens -
The women who shell almonds.
出自: E. B. Tylor
- casing 套
- husk 外壳
- case 例子
- skeleton 骨架
- bomb 炸弹
- shield 盾
- carapace (蟹或龟等的)甲壳...
- bombard 炮轰
- explosive 爆炸(性)的
- defense 防卫
- armor 盔甲
- coat 外套
- theca [生物]囊
- shoot at 向 ... 射击
- fire at 射击
- shoot down 驳倒
- integument (指天然的)覆盖物...
- crust 外壳
- sheathing 包甲套
- cloak 斗蓬
- exuviae [动]脱落的皮...
- sheath 鞘
- testa [植]外种皮
- peel 果皮
- jacket 短上衣
- epicarp [植]外果皮
- protection 保护
- coating 涂层
- oyster 牡蛎
- skin 皮肤
- involucre 花被,蒴苞,总苞...
- rind 皮
- tegument 外皮
- wrapper (饺子)皮
- envelope 信封
- wrapping 包装材料
- nautilus 鹦鹉螺
- bark (狗)吠
- mollusk 软体动物
- chaff 谷壳
- conch 海螺
- cortex 外皮
- periwinkle 长春花属的植物...
- bullet 子弹
- scallop 扇贝壳
- triton 三重氢核
- covering 覆盖物
- canister 罐
- pod 豆荚
- hull 外壳
- framework 框架
- structure 结构
- frame 骨架
- outline 大纲
- grenade 手榴弹
- outer 外部的
- projectile 发射体
- shot 注射
- cartouche 涡卷装饰
- missile 导弹
- ball 球
- cartridge 胶卷盒
- shrapnel 开花弹
- cylinder 圆筒
- mortar 臼
- reservoir 水库
- clam shell 蛤壳,蛤壳式抓斗...
- container 容器
- scale 刻度
- clam 蛤
- blast 爆炸
- eggshell 蛋壳
- trounce 痛打
- canister shot 霰弹
- cuticle 表皮
- beat 打
- crush 压碎
- beat out 敲平
- mussel 淡菜
- hard 硬的
- vanquish 征服
- shuck (植物的)壳
- decorticate 剥去
- excorticate 剥去 ... 的外皮(...
- pare 削减
- flay 剥皮
- exfoliate 片状剥落
- fire on 射击(炮击
- shed 除掉
- open fire on 向 ... 开火
- separate 分开的
- detach 使分离
- shell 壳
- fire upon 射击(炮击
- cavity 洞
- come off 能够去掉
- exuviate 蜕(皮)
- prang <英>摧毁
- hollow 空的
- bowl 碗
- moult 脱毛
- cup 杯子
- desquamate 脱落
- crater 坑(陨石坑、弹坑等)...
- flake 薄片
- slough 泥坑
- blitzkrieg 闪电战
- blitz 闪击(尤指空袭)...
- torpedo 鱼雷
- come 来
- fusillade (枪炮)齐射...
- barrage 弹幕
- plate 碟
- shoot 发射
- off 表示状态的关闭或离开...
- strafe (低空)扫射
- open 开着的
- pay out 付钱
- lay out 设计
- fork out 支付
- ante up 预付
- pepper 胡椒粉
- cannonade 炮击
- fire 火
- on 在 ... 之上
- upon 在 ... 上
- up 向上
- fork 叉
- out 出
- spend 预算
- dissipate 驱散
- outlay 花费
- ante (纸牌游戏中发牌钱下的)...
- boat 船
- outside 在外面
- disburse 支付
- lay lie的过去式....
- pay 支付
- away 离开
- expend 花费
- squander 浪费
- waste 废物
- fritter 油炸馅饼
- cage 笼子
- layer 层