- new York 缩写为 N.Y.。New York is abbreviated to N. Y.
- 为难make things difficult for
- New York 纽约N.Y.
- 转化为translate into
- 以人为本people oriented; people foremost
- 我们会住在 new York。We'll live in New York.
- 有为yu-wei
- 为准be as the criterion
- n. chapter 的缩写chap.
- 这第三条标准在1989年法院对New York v.This third "prong" also was accepted by the court in the 1989 landmark New York v.
- 替换为replace with
- 缩写为abbreviate
- 成为第一个玩New York Rangers的纽约人。Being the first New Yorker ever to play for the New York Rangers.
- 表现为register as
- 为王regally
- 无为inaction
- 例如,若要使用“New York, ny”作为默认值,请键入 ″New York, ny″。For example, to use ″New York, NY″ as the default value, type ″New York, NY″.
- 为数amount to
- 转变为translate
- 许多刊物纷纷介绍了WolframTones网站,包括New York Times,ABC News,Science,and Nature。The WolframTones site is covered by many publications, including the New York Times, ABC News, Science, and Nature.