run in
- v. 试车;飞机向目标的飞行;插入部分;争论;顺便访问
run in的用法和样例:
用作动词 (v.)
- They also watched its trial run.
他们还看了试车。 - The result of the test run satisfied us.
试车结果使我们很满意。 - There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.
为芝麻绿豆般的小事争论实在毫无意义。 - The problem is still in dispute.
这个问题在争论中。 - He dropped in on some old comrades on his vacation trip to Beijing.
- in the long run 从长远看来
- run in a family 为一家所共有; 世代...
- run round in circles 忙得团团转(毫无结果...
- in the short run 在不久的将来...
- run in blinkers 看不清周围事物,处于...
- run in the family 为一家人所共有...
- run in one's mind 萦绕脑际
- run in 试车
- run in one's head 萦绕脑际
- run in one's blood 与家庭有密切关系的,...
- run in the same groove 如出一辙
- run around in circles 忙得团团转(毫无结果...
- run in a groove 墨守成规