vt. 含糊地说出,含糊地发…的声 run (sounds,words) into each other so that they are indistinct
vt. 侮辱,诋毁 harm sb's reputation by making untrue statements
n. (名词)
[C] 含糊的发音 slurred sound
[U] [C] 玷污,诋毁 statement,accusation,etc. that may damage sb's reputation,especially when untrue
(music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato
a disparaging remark;
"in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion"
"it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility"
a blemish made by dirt;
"he had a smudge on his cheek"
play smoothly or legato;
"the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata"
speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur;
"your comments are slurring your co-workers"
utter indistinctly
become vague or indistinct;
"The distinction between the two theories blurred"