
[aʊt]     [aʊt]    
  • adv. 出;在外;完
  • prep. 向外;在外面
  • v. 出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份
outed outed outing outs



adv. (副词)
  1. 出,出外,向外
  2. 在外,在室外,不在家
  3. 离开正常位置(或状态等)
  4. 彻底,完全
  5. 大声地,出声地
  6. 离岸,向公海
  7. 出现,显露,问世
  8. 熄灭
  9. 【棒球】出局
  10. 无知觉,昏迷着;熟睡着
  11. 出界
  12. 在罢工中
  13. 处于在野(非执政)状态
  14. (花)盛开着
prep. (介词)
  1. <口>沿着...而去
  2. <口>通过...而出,从...出,向外
  3. 除掉,清除
  4. 用…制作
  5. 离开
  6. 因为,出于
v. (动词)
  1. 逐出,赶出,驱逐
  2. 【拳击】打倒,击昏
  3. 【体】使退场,使出局
  4. 伸出
  5. 败露,破露,显露,暴露
  6. 把(火)弄熄
  7. <美俚>揭发出(某人)为同性恋者,使(同性恋者)曝光,揭露,公布(同性恋者)
  8. 击败
  9. 成为人所共知
  10. 表示使某物从集体中单独出来
adj. (形容词)
  1. 在野的,下台的,不执政的
  2. <口>特大的,特号的
  3. 外面的,外头的,外围的,外侧的,外的
  4. 离开中心的,偏僻的
  5. 远的
  6. 向外(去)的
  7. 不平常的
  8. 过时的,落伍的
  9. 不在家的,不在办公室的,缺席的
  10. (棒球、垒球等中)出局的
  11. (球赛等)出界的,界外的
  12. 错误的,不精确的
  13. 生疏的,不熟练的
  14. 没有的,缺乏的
  15. (经济上)损失的
  16. (花)盛开的;(植物)开花的;(雏鸡等)孵出的
int. (感叹词)
  1. 表示"愤慨""谴责"等,滚,走开
  2. 报文完,不必回话
n. (名词)
  1. 外部,外头,外观
  2. 【棒球】出局
  3. 失去了地位的人,在野党
  4. <英方>远足,郊游;外出
  5. 【运】守方
  6. 【印】漏排
  7. 缺点,弱点
  8. 借口,藉口,托辞;逃脱的手段


adv. (副词)
  1. 离开某地,不在里面 away from or not inside a place
  2. 不在家,不在工作地点; (书等)已借出 not at home or at a place of work; not in the library
  3. 远离(陆地、祖国、城镇等) indicating distance away from land, one's country, a town, etc.
  4. 显露,暴露; 问世 so as to be clearly seen, shown, understood, etc.
  5. 过时,不再流行 no longer fashionable
  6. 大声地,出声地 in a loud voice; aloud
  7. 到尽头,全部,彻底 to the end; completely
  8. 无知觉 unconscious
  9. (火或灯)熄灭 (of a fire or light)no longer burning
  10. 下台,在野 no longer in a position of power


  1. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball;

    "you only get 3 outs per inning"

  1. not allowed to continue to bat or run;

    "he was tagged out at second on a close play"
    "he fanned out"

  2. being out or having grown cold;

    "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"
    "the fire is out"

  3. not worth considering as a possibility;

    "a picnic is out because of the weather"

  4. out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election;

    "now the Democrats are out"

  5. excluded from use or mention;

    "forbidden fruit"
    "in our house dancing and playing cards were out"
    "a taboo subject"

  6. directed outward or serving to direct something outward;

    "the out doorway"
    "the out basket"

  7. no longer fashionable;

    "that style is out these days"

  8. outside or external;

    "the out surface of a ship's hull"

  9. outer or outlying;

    "the out islands"

  10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow

  1. away from home;

    "they went out last night"

  2. moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden;

    "the cat came out from under the bed"

  3. from one's possession;

    "he gave out money to the poor"
    "gave away the tickets"

  1. to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality;

    "This actor outed last year"

  2. reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle;

    "The gay actor was outed last week"
    "Someone outed a CIA agent"

  3. be made known; be disclosed or revealed;

    "The truth will out"



用作副词 (adv.)
  1. His book came out last month.
  2. He took out a book from the case.
  3. Students may not stay out after midnight.
  4. I went out into the cold and got a chill.
  5. The fire has gone out.
  6. The fuel was rapidly running out.
用作介词 (prep.)
  1. They heard a yap and ran out of the house.
  2. He stared vacantly out of the window.
  3. Mr Green is out of town this week.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. The truth will out.
  2. I was outed by my wife.
  3. And the fire was outed.
  4. A crocodile cannot out its tongue.
  5. The tabloid article has outed a well-known politician.


用作副词 (adv.)
all out
    全力以赴地using all possible strength and resources
be out for
    企求,力图获得be trying to get or eager to obtain sth
be out to-v
    努力想得到〔做到〕be trying, aiming or hoping to do sth
be out and about
    (病、伤等卧床后)能下床,能到户外able to get up, go outdoors, etc. after being in bed through illness, injury, etc.
out and away
    远远地by far
out of
    缺乏,没有not having; without
out of it
    〈口〉因被排斥在某集体之外而感到难过sad because excluded from a group of people or a community



  • It gave them an out, a reason for not doing it.

    出自: C. Brown
  • My pictures..are now got back to the Room they were outed from.

    出自: E. FitzGerald
  • They had outed Asquith quite easily.

    出自: E. Waugh
  • Dorothy..had gone out one day for an airing.

    出自: T. Hardy
  • The big hand-mirror which they had brought out..onto the terrace.

    出自: I. Murdoch
  • She saw him out..then shut the door on him.

    出自: E. Welty
  • He stared out the window at the hills beyond.

    出自: P. Kavanagh
  • Out the back of the machine..ran a huge block cable.

    出自:New Yorker





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